.. _neper: Neper: Polycrystal Generation and Meshing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. image:: imgs/home-neper.png :width: 67% :align: left | | | | Neper is a free / open source software package for polycrystal generation and meshing. It can be used to generate polycrystals with a wide variety of morphological properties, from very simple morphologies (simple tessellations, grain-growth microstructures, ...) to complex, multiphase or multiscale microstructures that involve grain subdivisions. The resulting *tessellations* can be meshed into high-quality meshes suitable for finite-element simulations. .. note:: See also Neper's companion program, `FEPX `_, a finite element software package for polycrystal plasticity. FEPX acts as a simulation tool for Neper. Neper is developed by Romain Quey at `CNRS `_ and `Mines Saint-Etienne `_. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 features.rst doc/index.rst doc/tutorials.rst papers.rst talks.rst applications.rst downloads.rst community.rst others.rst